Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Almighty God's Word "God's Work and Man's Work" (Part One) | The Church of Almighty God

Almighty God's Word "God's Work and Man's Work" (Part One) | The Church of Almighty God

Almighty God says, What man expresses is what he sees, experiences and can imagine. Even if it is doctrines or notions, these are all reachable by man’s thinking. Regardless of the size of man’s work, it cannot exceed the scope of man’s experience, what man sees, or what man can imagine or conceive. What God expresses is what God Himself is, and this is beyond the reach of man, that is, beyond the reach of man’s thinking. He expresses His work of leading all of mankind, and this is not relevant to the details of human experience, but is instead concerned with His own management. Man expresses his experience while God expresses His being—this being is His inherent disposition and is beyond the reach of man.”

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

A Hymn of God's Words "God Laments the Future of Mankind" | The Church of Almighty God

 In this vast world which has changed countless times even since before history, there is no one to lead and guide man, no one but He who rules over all. No mighty lord labors and prepares for the sake of this mankind's needs. None can lead them into bright future, nor free them from injustice of this world. God laments the future of humankind. How He grieves at the fall of them! See His sorrow as they fail to learn that they march the road of no return. Man has rebelled, broken the heart of God; Satan's evil path they've gladly trod. And no one has stopped to clearly see where mankind will eventually go.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Almighty God's Word "The Essential Difference Between the Incarnate God and People Used by God" | The Church of Almighty God

Almighty God's Word "The Essential Difference Between the Incarnate God and People Used by God"  | The Church of Almighty God

Almighty God says, "The incarnate God can do the work of divinity, but the people used by God cannot. At the beginning of each age, God’s Spirit speaks personally to launch the new era and bring man to a new beginning. When He finishes His speaking, it signifies that God’s work in divinity is done. Thereafter, people all follow the lead of those used by God to enter life experience. Similarly, in this stage God brings man into the new age and gives everyone a new start. With this, God’s work in the flesh concludes."

Almighty God's Word "God Is the Source of Man's Life" | The Church of Almighty God

Almighty God's Word "God Is the Source of Man's Life" | The Church of Almighty God

Almighty God says, "The greatness and power of the life of God cannot be fathomed by any creature. It is thus now, was thus then, and will be thus in time to come. The second secret I shall impart is this: The source of life comes from God, for all creation, whatever the difference in form or structure. Whatever kind of living being you are, you cannot move counter to the path of life that God has set. In any case, all I wish is for man to understand that without the care, keeping, and provision of God, man cannot receive all that he was meant to receive, no matter how great the effort or struggle. Without the supply of life from God, man loses the sense of value in living and loses the sense of purpose in life."

Sunday, October 1, 2017

A Hymn of God's Words "During the Last Days God Accomplishes All Chiefly Through the Word" | The Church of Almighty God

A Hymn of God's Words "During the Last Days God Accomplishes All Chiefly Through the Word" | The Church of Almighty God

Almighty God, Christ of the last days, has expressed a variety of truths. He leads the whole of mankind with the word, which accomplishes the actual significance of the Word appearing in the flesh. From Almighty God’s word, people come to know God’s work, God’s disposition, and what God has and is, see God’s supremacy, wisdom, and almightiness, and also understand God’s kind intention for man’s salvation. … In the end, God’s word will show authority and let all people see that “God is as good as His word, and His word shall be accomplished, and that which is accomplished lasts forever,” and that God’s word accomplishes everything!

A Hymn of God's Words "Two Thousand Years of Longing" | The Church of Almighty God

A Hymn of God's Words "Two Thousand Years of Longing" | The Church of Almighty God

That God has become flesh shakes the religious world, upsets the religious order, and stirs up the souls of all who long for God's appearance. Who does not marvel at this? Who does not long to see God? God has spent years among man, but man is simply unaware of this. Today, God Himself has appeared to renew His old love with man.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Gospel Movie clip "Rapture in Peril" (5) - How to Differentiate Between God's Work and Man's Work? | The Church of Almighty God

Gospel Movie clip "Rapture in Peril" (5) -
How to Differentiate Between God's Work and Man's Work? | The Church of Almighty God

In the religious world there are many people who cannot distinguish the work of God from the work of man. Many people regard the work carried out by those they worship and look up to as the work of God, but look upon the work carried out by God incarnate as work done by man. They are unaware that this offends God's disposition, that they are resisting God and blaspheming God despite believing in Him, and that this makes them enemies of God. So, what is the actual difference between God's work and man's work? What is the substantial difference between God incarnate and the people used by God?

"The City Will be Overthrown" (5) - The Religious Babylon Is Destined to Fall Under God's Wrath | The Church of Almighty God

The religious world wildly defies and condemns Almighty God, committing innumerable evil deeds, and they have become Satan's camp that sets itself against God. The great city of religious Babylon is destined to fall under the wrath of God! Revelation predicts, "Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour is your judgment come" (Revelation 18:10). Almighty God says, "We trust that no country or power can stand in the way of what God wishes to achieve. Those that obstruct God’s work, resist the word of God, disturb and impair the plan of God shall ultimately be punished by God. He who defies the work of God shall be sent to hell; any country that defies the work of God shall be destroyed; any nation that rises up to oppose the work of God shall be wiped from this earth, and shall cease to exist" (The Word Appears in the Flesh).
Recommendation: The videos of bearing witness to Almighty God
                              The origin of the Church of Almighty God

The Hymn of God's Word "How Important God's Love for Man Is" | The Church of Almighty God

How Important God’s Love for Man Is  | The Church of Almighty God

Accompaniment: The scene painted in the Bible “God’s command to Adam” is both touching and heartwarming. Although the picture contains only God and man, the relationship between the two is so intimate we start to feel wonder, wonder and admiration.

Almighty God is My Shepherd