Thursday, September 13, 2018

Christian testimonies | A Confession

A Confession

Yang Xiaohui
Jiyuan City, Henan Province

Chinese Christians, Eastern Lighting, The Church of Almighty God,
Picture of The Church of Almighty God
I—a great sinner guilty beyond forgiveness!
Before God I have committed monstrous sins. I resisted the Almighty God’s end-time work by every possible means all along. I even condemned and blasphemed God’s flesh, burned up the book of the Almighty God’s word, and beat, abused, and insulted the brothers and sisters many times who preached God’s new work. However, the Almighty God, who is full of mercy and love, did not put me to death but stretched out his hand of salvation and gave me the opportunity to be saved. Today, facing God’s grace of salvation, I am in floods of tears and overwhelmed with sorrow and regret….

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Christian testimonies | How a Son of Disobedience Was Conquered by the Almighty God

How a Son of Disobedience Was Conquered by the Almighty God

Sun Yongping
Datong City, Shanxi Province

Almighty God's Word, Chinese Christians,
Picture of The Church of Almighty God
I am Sun Yongping, formerly a co-worker of a house church. Because I was single, without family burdens, and was willing to pursue to make progress, the church paid special attention to training me. So I often had chances to work and study in other places. In recent years, every time I went to work out of town, I came back loaded with rumors about “the Eastern Lightning.” Unconsciously, I was deeply poisoned. Especially after I read a book called Refute the Cult the Eastern Lightning, I was more encouraged to resist the Almighty God. Without verification or investigation, I had a strong aversion and hostility to this “way” that I knew nothing about. So, I joined others in rebuking and refuting “the Eastern Lightning,” and even mobilized all the brothers and sisters to curse “the Eastern Lightning” in their daily prayers. Meanwhile, I also heard the rumors say, “The means of ‘the Eastern Lightning’ is extremely cruel. If you do not accept what they preach, they will use violence on you, such as gouging out your eyes, cutting off your nose, or cutting off your ears. Besides, they will seduce you with beauty or buy you off with money. And as long as you accept their ‘way,’ they will give you whatever you lack. …” Soon those rumors were spread everywhere. The entire religious world accepted them to be true. And I felt more hatred, hostility, and fear toward this “way.” All day long I lived in dread, fearing that I might “lose my footing” and fall into the “trap” of “the Eastern Lightning.”

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

I Shed Remorseful Tears Before the Almighty God

I Shed Remorseful Tears Before the Almighty God

I. Having Listened to the Rumors and Believed the Lies, I Blindly Resisted God;

For “Guarding the Church” and “Defending the Way,” I Shut Out the Lord.

Wang Haijun
Shenyang City, Liaoning Province

Chinese Christians, believing in God, Eastern Lighting,
Picture of The Church of Almighty God
I am Wang Haijun, formerly a preacher in the “Justification by Faith Church.” Like other brothers and sisters, I believed in God for the purpose of going to heaven and gaining eternal life, and I served God for the purpose of gaining the crown of righteousness. While I was earnestly expecting the Lord to return to reward me, I actually shut the door on the Lord and became one who resisted God, because I was foolish and ignorant and believed the rumors.

Christian testimonies | Almighty God Gave Me a Second Life

Almighty God Gave Me a Second Life

—The Story of a Person Who Fiercely Resisted Almighty God’s Work of the Last Days

Zheng Yongshen
Funan County, Anhui Province

christian testimonies, Almighty God's Word,
Picture of The Church of Almighty God | Almighty God Gave Me a Second Life
I was a co-worker of the Stream of Recovery. On December 8, 1998, a brother of our church came to me to preach the work of Almighty God of the last days. He gave me a book of Almighty God’s word and asked me to read it. I was very angry and rebuked him, “We only believe in the Lord Jesus; why did you convert to the faith of another god?” Running my eyes over more than one page of the book, I laid it aside, because I thought the words were plain and simple, and too shallow. The brother said to me earnestly, “Better finish reading it, and you will know it is truly the word personally spoken by God.” “I don’t think so. Now that you insist it is God’s own word, you get a pen and a notebook, put them on the table, and ask God to speak!” I said rudely. And then I murmured to myself angrily, “You believers in Almighty God have stolen many of our lambs, and now you also want to draw me in.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Christian testimonies | God’s Discipline Made Me Examine Myself; God’s Word Conquered Me

God’s Discipline Made Me Examine Myself; God’s Word Conquered Me

Zhang Congxian
Fuyang City, Anhui Province

Almighty God's Word, God’s Promises, plan of salvation,
Picture of The Church of Almighty God 
I was formerly a leader in the Born Again Church. Since 1997, the believers in the Almighty God had been constantly preaching the gospel to me, no matter whether it was windy or rainy, extremely hot or bitterly cold, daytime or nighttime. However, I always retorted upon them, saying, “‘The Eastern Lightning’ you preach is a female Christ. Don’t deceive me. Moreover, you cannot deceive me. I have searched the whole Bible. It never says that God will be incarnated the second time, much less as a female Christ. You say that God has been incarnated the second time. It is a deceitful lie and is purely a heresy, a cult! Believers in God should take the Bible as the standard. Anything apart from the Bible is not to be believed. Even if you come ten thousand times, I absolutely will not accept!” And I often used Alarm Bell (a handbook printed by our Born Again Church specially for blaspheming and resisting the Almighty God’s end-time work) to seal the churches and said to the brothers and sisters many times, “‘The Eastern Lightning’ is a heresy, a cult. Take strict precautions against it! None of you can receive them or dispute with them, because you cannot match them in dispute. Even less should you listen to them. Once you listen, you will be deceived, and once you go in, you cannot get out. They even cut off others’ noses, gouge out others’ eyes, and commit sexual immorality. They are the ones who drag people into hell and into the lake of fire. … Only our Born Again Church is the true way. The Lord has promised us that once saved always saved, and he will definitely come and take us to heaven. We absolutely cannot accept ‘the Eastern Lightning’!” In this way, I condemned and resisted the Almighty God’s end-time work all along.

Friday, September 7, 2018

What really is the evil essence of the CCP government and the religious world?

Bible Verses for Reference:
You serpents, you generation of vipers, how can you escape the damnation of hell? (Mat 23:33).
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world (Rev 12:9).

Thursday, September 6, 2018

What will the outcome of the CCP government and the religious world be after they madly condemn and resist God?

Bible Verses for Reference:
All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven to men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven to men. And whoever speaks a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whoever speaks against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come (Mat 12:31-32).

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The Origin of the Eastern Lightning’s Prosperity

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Gospel
The Origin of the Eastern Lightning’s Prosperity
Each and every time the Eastern Lightning is mentioned, many brothers and sisters in the Lord feel perplexed: Why is it that as the religious community as a whole becomes increasingly desolate and degenerate, as each denomination becomes increasingly guarded and conservative in condemning and banishing the Eastern Lightning, not only is the Eastern Lightning not becoming desolate and ebbing, but surging like unstoppable billows, sweeping across mainland China?

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Exposing the Truth of the CCP’s Religious Policy Masked by its Constitution

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,God's Work
Exposing the Truth of the CCP’s Religious Policy Masked by its Constitution
Ma Jinlong (Captain of the National Security Team): Han Lu, here is a chance for you to score some points. As long as you tell us who your leaders are and where your church’s money is stashed, we will go easy on you. Naturally, if you do well, it is not out of the question that we let you go.

Almighty God is My Shepherd