Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Glory to God | Praise Dance "Singing of the Millennial Kingdom Descending Among Men" | The Church of Almighty God

Glory to God | Praise Dance "Singing of the Millennial Kingdom Descending Among Men" | The Church of Almighty God

The New Jerusalem has descended from heaven; God’s word has appeared in the flesh. God’s chosen people witness with their own eyes that everything God says is accomplished and fulfilled one after the other, and that God’s word is reigning on the whole earth. The long-awaited Millennial Kingdom has descended to earth. All God’s people are heartily enjoying God’s abundance and proclaiming God’s word. They are singing and dancing to praise the arrival of the day that God is glorified. Singing of the Millennial Kingdom Descending Among Men

1. The Millennial Kingdom has descended among men, God’s word has conquered the whole earth, reigning on the whole earth, reigning on the whole earth, and everything has come into being and stood fast because of God’s word, because of God’s word, for us to see with our own eyes, for us to see with our own eyes. We shout for joy, and we sing, singing of the Millennial Kingdom having descended to earth. We shout for joy, and we sing, singing of the New Jerusalem descending from heaven. God’s word is among us and lives with, lives with us, accompanying our every act and move,every mind and thought.
2. The only true almighty God who is self-existing and ever-existing, Your word has appeared in the flesh, living and real for all people to see. Your words from before the ages until today have been accomplished one by one, accomplished one by one and fulfilled one by one. We shout for joy, and we sing, singing of God’s word displaying authority and power. We shout for joy, and we sing, singing of God’s word ruling on earth, on earth. God has gained, has gained greater glory on earth. God’s word has occupied our whole being for us to become God’s manifestation, become God’s manifestation.
3. All people on the whole earth, adult or child, male or female, old or young, are proclaiming God’s word. All people become subject under God’s word and come to worship God. The whole kingdom is a scene of jubilation. We shout for joy, and we sing, singing of the coming of the day God gains glory. We shout for joy, and we sing, singing of God’s deeds having been revealed. Only the practical God is the spring of living water, the spring of living water, ever-flowing, for us to enjoy, for us to enjoy and to nourish our hearts.
4. The beautiful prospect of the kingdom is bright and even more infinite. All God’s people are beaming with smiles in heart, for what has long been expected has now become a reality. How could we not dance for joy and give glory to God? We shout for joy, and we sing, singing of and praising God’s almightiness and wisdom. We shout for joy, and we sing, singing of God’s work having been crowned with success. We shout for joy, and we sing. The practical God is personally leading us into the good land of Canaan to enjoy God’s riches, to enjoy God’s riches.

Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God was created because of the appearance and work of Almighty God, the second coming of the Lord Jesus, Christ of the last days. It is made up of all those who accept Almighty God's work in the last days and are conquered and saved by His words. It was entirely founded by Almighty God personally and is led by Him as the Shepherd. It was definitely not created by a person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God's sheep hear God's voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.

Recommendation: The origin of the Church of Almighty God

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Almighty God is My Shepherd