Showing posts with label Amen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amen. Show all posts

Friday, June 23, 2017

The Church of Almighty God | Resolve to be Born Again - "Offer Love to God" (Official Music Video)

Offer Love to God

God took on flesh, came to live among us.
Through all disgrace and shame, He gave us salvation.
But I did not know or understand Him, full of grumbles.
How His heart grieved at my rebellion and resistance!
Dear Almighty God, You don’t remember my faults.
You’ve endured all my rebellious ways but offer grace once again.
Knowing You raise me up, I’m covered with great shame.
How unworthy I am to receive Your love!

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

The Church of Almighty God | "Follow God Along the Rough Path" (Official Music Video)

Follow God Along the Rough Path

You spend yourself for God, I devote myself to Him, 
forsaken by family, slandered by the world.
The path to follow God is not easy at all.
I put all my heart and soul into expanding the kingdom of God.
I have seen the turning of the seasons.
I welcome the joy and sorrow ahead.
To satisfy God’s requirements, I obey His arrangements.
I’ll suffer all my life. I will satisfy God’s heart!
I’ll suffer all my life. I will satisfy God’s heart!

Monday, June 19, 2017

The Church of Almighty God | Praise and Worship "God’s True Love"

Listen! The singing is overflowing with joy and happiness.
Look! The dance is imbued with vitality and vigor.
God’s chosen people are praising God in a simple, lively, and liberated manner to express their gratitude for Him. They enjoy the watering and feeding of God’s word, help and sustain each other, and get gradual growth in life. Inspired by God’s love, they go forward shoulder by shoulder, hand in hand, rise up amidst numerous failures and frustrations, and finally struggle free from the influence of Satan. Now, they gather together joyfully singing and dancing to praise God, perform their duty in united harmony, so as to repay God’s true love for them.

God’s True Love

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

the Church of Almighty God | Gospel Movie "The City Will be Overthrown"

Cheng Huize is a co-worker at a house church in China. She has believed in the Lord for many years, and has worked for the Lord with unwavering enthusiasm. She takes on a lot of responsibilities for the church, and she has compassion for her brothers and sisters. As her church grew more and more desolate with each passing day, the wickedness in her church were more and more frequent. The pastor energetically proposed that the church should start a factory, and led the followers down the path to wealth, and also enticed them to join the Three-Self Church so they could rely on help from the Chinese government. This caused a fierce debate to unfold. The pastor stubbornly acted in his own individual interests and did not hesitate to divide the church, leading the believers down the wrong path. Cheng Huize and a few others held fast to the way of the Lord, and fiercely opposed the church becoming a factory and joining the Three-Self Church. Although the elders at the church expressed that they were opposed to this, they only did so to protect their own status and livelihood. Even though the pastor and elders were all harboring secrets in their hearts, locked in constant strife for their own fame and profit, fighting out of envy, when they saw that most of the good sheep and leading sheep in the church had investigated the Eastern Lightning and turned to Almighty God one by one, they joined together with the Chinese government and fought to repress the Eastern Lightning, blocking the believers from coming to study the Eastern Lightning, urging the followers to report them to the police. They set an example by reporting and arresting the brothers and sisters preaching the kingdom gospel. Cheng Huize and others saw that the pastor and the elders had deviated from the Lord's way a long time ago, and the church had already lost the work of the Holy Spirit and had degenerated into a religious place like Babylon the Great, cursed and reviled by the Lord.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

the Church of Almighty God | Gospel Movie "Ironclad Proofs—Exploration of the 'Trinity'"

He was a leader of a house church in China. For many years, he had been exploring the mystery of the “Triune God”: What’s the relationship between the three Spirits, the Holy Father, the Holy Son, and the Holy Spirit? What’s the difference of them? The Bible says that there is only one Spirit. If there is only one Spirit, why is it said that there are three? If there are three Spirits, how can they be one? One day, the words expressed by God who reappeared finally unlocked the mystery of the “Triune God,” which had puzzled him many years and puzzled the religious world for two thousand years….


Monday, June 12, 2017

the Church of Almighty God | Gospel Movie “Awakening”

Lu Xiu’en was a preacher of a house church in China. Believing the rumors and notions spread by the pastor, she insisted that man’s sins had been forgiven by the precious blood of the Lord Jesus, that man was saved by faith and didn’t need to receive any other salvation. As a result, she resisted and rejected Almighty God’s gospel in the last days many times…. However, an unexpected experience made her see the true face of the pastor, and thus she had some discernment of him and her heart began to awaken. Just at that time, Almighty God’s gospel in the last days came upon her. This broke her imaginations and notions about God’s work and gave her a brand new knowledge of salvation and full salvation. And then she accepted Almighty God’s gospel in the last days without hesitation. However, the pastor didn’t stop disturbing her, and this caused her great distress. Under the watering of Almighty God’s word, she saw clearly the ugly face of the pastor and his deceptive tricks. She awakened resolutely….

Saturday, June 10, 2017

the Church of Almighty God | Gospel Movie "Honor and Dishonor"

Jiang Ming is a preacher of the Church of Almighty God. In her thirteen years of preaching the gospel, she suffered exclusion and revilement from the religious people and was even sent to prison because she testified about the return of the Lord. It was Almighty God’s word that encouraged her constantly and strengthened her in agony and weakness. She came to know that it was an honor to bear humiliation with God Most High, so she kept proclaiming God’s name in spite of all difficulties. Under the guidance of God, she and the brothers and sisters cooperated together with one mind and had several intense debates with the religious people. In the end, truth prevailed over fallacy. More and more true believers in God were conquered by the word of Almighty God and were certain that Almighty God is the return of the Lord Jesus. They accepted God’s work of the last days in succession and thus Jiang Ming was glorified with God!

Thursday, June 8, 2017

the Church of Almighty God | Gospel Movie "Come Out of the Bible"

She is a preacher of a house church in China. She preached and shepherded the church whole-heartedly for the Lord. However, confronted with the gradual desolation of the church, she was burning with anxiety yet unable to do anything. When she was distressed and perplexed, she was fortunate to accept Almighty God’s gospel of the last days. Enjoying the rich supply of God’s word, she deeply knew the greatness of God’s salvation and even more felt the misery and helplessness of losing God’s supply and falling into darkness. Thus, she decided to spread God’s work…. During her preaching, a religious pastor proposed to her a very difficult issue: Any belief that departs from the Bible is a heresy, and we won’t accept it. In the face of such a situation, what kind of intense debate happened between the two parties? How did she resolve this notion of the religious people with Almighty God’s word?

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

the Church of Almighty God | Gospel Movie "Caught the Last Train"

Chen Peng was a pastor in a house church. He had burden for the church work, and ministered to the believers year after year. But in recent years, the church became overwhelmingly desolate. More and more believers became passive, weak, and no longer attended the church services. Meanwhile, Pastor Chen felt dry in spirit and had nothing to preach…. He tried many ways to revive the church, but all his efforts ended up in vain…. By chance, he heard Almighty God’s gospel of the last days. After an intense debate, he finally found the cause why the church became desolate—God has been incarnated and does a new work. Almighty God is the returned Lord Jesus. Only those who follow the Lamb’s footsteps can get the watering and supply of the living water of life.

the Church of Almighty God | Gospel Movie "Ironclad Proofs—Disclose the Mystery About the Bible"

She believed in the Lord from childhood. At 18, she entered a theological school. In her 30’s, she became one of the leaders of a house church in Shanxi Province, China. For a long time, the Bible had a holy place and supreme authority in her heart. She thought that one could only know God and find God’s footsteps in the Bible. Thus, she devoted herself to reading and studying the Bible. However, there were still many mysteries in the Bible which puzzled her. Until one day….

Monday, June 5, 2017

the Church of Almighty God | Gospel Movie "Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit"

Cho Yeonghan was a pastor of a church in Korea. He was zealous in serving the Lord for decades and earned great respect from the believers. In recent years, the church became desolate day by day. More and more evils emerged, and even he himself was often afflicted by sin. Thus, he felt extremely miserable and confused…. After much consideration, he gave up his post as a pastor and left his denomination to seek the true way that could free him from sin. He visited several other denominations, but their desolation and degeneration brought him into severer loss and helplessness. Earnestly, he prayed, “O Lord! Where are you? …” Out of surprise, when investigating the word of Almighty God, he found that the Lord Jesus has come back and He is Almighty God, Christ of the last days.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

the Church of Almighty God | Gospel Movie "God's Name Has Changed?!"

She is Wang Hua, a house church preacher in Southern China. After she began to believe in the Lord, she found from the Bible that God was named Jehovah in the Old Testament while He was named Jesus in the New Testament. “Why does God have different names?” Wang Hua felt extremely puzzled about that. She desired to get the answer from the Bible but she failed to understand the mystery…. However, she firmly believed: “There is none other name under heaven given among men, so Jesus alone is the Savior”; one will surely enter into the kingdom of heaven as long as he holds on to the name of Jesus. One day, Wang Hua heard a piece of shocking news: “God’s name has changed!” After that, her heart could no longer remain calm….

Kingdom Songs of Praise "The Significance of the Appearance of God"

Saturday, June 3, 2017

the Church of Almighty God | Gospel Movie "Stinging Memories"

Fan Guoyi was an elder of a house church in China. In his over twenty years of service, he always emulated Paul, sacrificing for the Lord zealously and working hard. He firmly believed that he was doing the will of the heavenly Father by pursuing that way and he would surely be raptured to the kingdom of heaven at the return of the Lord. However, when Almighty God’s salvation of the last days came upon him, he clung to his notions, rejecting, resisting, and condemning it time and time again…. Later, after several debates with the preachers from the Church of Almighty God, Fan Guoyi finally woke up. He truly understood the meaning of doing the will of the heavenly Father and the way of pursuing to be saved and enter the kingdom of heaven….

At every thought of the past, the memories were stinging in his heart….

Eastern Lightning | "Stinging Memories" (1) - Discuss the Way to the Kingdom of HeavenGospel 

Friday, June 2, 2017

the Church of Almighty God | Gospel Movie "Break Through the Snare"

Two thousand years ago, when the Lord Jesus did the redemptive work, He suffered the wild slander and condemnation of the Jewish religious world, and was nailed to the cross by the Jewish leaders and the Roman government. In the last days, when Almighty God—the returned Lord Jesus comes to China and does the work of judgment, He again suffers the condemnation, suppression, and persecution of the CCP government and the religious world. The widespread rumors, which judge and slander the Church of Almighty God, are like an invisible snare, covering and controlling numerous believers. The tragedy of history repeats itself….

Thursday, June 1, 2017

the Church of Almighty God | Gospel Movie "Rapture in Peril"

Zhao Zhigang is an elder at the Local Church in China. Like many Christians, his greatest hope as a believer in the Lord is to be raptured alive, meet the Lord and rule with Him. In 1999, after the church leaders released the message, "In the year 2000 the Lord shall come again, and His believers will be raptured alive," he was even more excited and enthusiastic than before. Brimming with faith and confidence, he looked to the future with hope and expectation…. However, after the year 2000 came and went, his hope had been all for naught. An unprecedented crisis of faith emerged in his denomination, and he couldn't help but wonder whether or not he had chosen the right path.

the Church of Almighty God | Gospel Movie "From the Throne Flows the Water of Life"

Tao Wei is a preacher from a house church. As her church grew more and more desolate day after day, and her own spirit grew withered and dark, she felt lost and bewildered: The Lord's words are the living water of life, and they can provide the nourishments for people's spiritual lives. So why doesn't she feel the work of the Holy Spirit when she reads the Lord's words? Why doesn't the Lord do His work in the religious world? Could it be that the Lord's work had changed? Could it be that the Lord has appeared to do His work in another place? … As Tao Wei urgently sought answers to these questions, she longed more and more to attain the nourishment of the living water of life. She and her brothers and sisters sought out God's work and appearance together, and finally came to the Church of Almighty God, where they began to communicate and debate with the preachers of the Church of Almighty God…. Will they be able to find the source of the living water of life at the Church of Almighty God? Will they be able to attain the water of life from the river that flows from the throne? …

Monday, May 29, 2017

the Church of Almighty God | New Gospel Movie "Waiting" | Hear the Voice of God and Welcome the Lord

Yang Hou'en is a pastor at a house church in China. With his father Yang Shoudao, they have awaited the Lord Jesus to descend from the clouds and take them up into the kingdom of heaven. For this, they diligently worked for the Lord, held fast to His name, and believed that anyone who is not the Lord Jesus descending from the clouds is a false Christ. And so, when they heard the news of the Lord's second coming, they did not listen to it or accept it. They thought that it was best to watch and wait…. While they waited passively, Yang Hou'en's cousin Li Jiayin accepted the work of Almighty God in the last days, and spread the gospel to them. After some intense discussions, Yang Hou'en finally understood the true meaning of "watch and wait," and could see that Almighty God's words were the truth, the way, the life, and these were the utterances of the Lord, and Almighty God was the second coming of the Lord Jesus that they had waited for so many years….

Almighty God is My Shepherd