Showing posts with label overcomers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label overcomers. Show all posts

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Gospel Testimonies | An Arrogant Believer’s Process of Transformation

An Arrogant Believer’s Process of Transformation

Zhang Yitao Henan Province
Picture of The Church of Almighty God
“God, Your work is so practical, so full of righteousness and holiness. You have been patiently working for so long, all for us. In the past, I believed in God but I didn’t have a human manner. I disobeyed You and hurt Your heart without knowing. I am full of shame and regret and am indebted to You. Only now do I realize this. … Without Your harsh judgment, I wouldn’t have today, and facing Your genuine love I am grateful and indebted to You. It was Your work that saved me and caused my disposition to change. Without sorrow and pain, my heart is full of happiness” (“Oh God, the Love You Have Given Me Is Too Great” in Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs). Every time I sing this song, I think of God’s salvation for me through all these years, and I am full of gratitude for Him. It was God’s judgment and chastisement that changed me. It made me—an arrogant, ambitious, rebellious son—appear a bit more like a human being. I sincerely give thanks for God’s salvation of me!

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Christian testimonies | I Was Saved by Almighty God

I Was Saved by Almighty God

—The Story of How I, Once an Opponent of Almighty God, Accepted Him

Li Mingguang
Zhoukou City, Henan Province

Almighty God's Word, Chinese Christians, Eastern LIghtning,
Picture of The Church of Almighty God | I Was Saved by Almighty God
I was formerly a worker of the Hua Xuehe sect. On December 2, 1998, I accepted Almighty God’s work of the last days. Only then did I come to know that God’s work is always progressing forward, understand the inside truth and the effects of God’s work in the Age of Law. And I also knew that in the Age of Grace, God was incarnated to be the Son of man, and He was crucified as the sin offering and redeemed the whole mankind. And furthermore, I knew that in the last days, on the foundation of the first two stages of His work, God has opened up a new age—the Age of the Word. And through His word, God exposes and judges men and will completely conquer men in the end, so that they will obey His word, submit to Him, and be of the same mind with Him, and become His manifestation on earth, the evidence of His defeating Satan, and the group of people who can bear testimony to His deeds. This group of people are the 144,000 overcomers mentioned in Revelation.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Four Consecutive Blood Moons | The Church of Almighty God

Four Consecutive Blood Moons | The Church of Almighty God
    The appearance of these four consecutive blood moons is a sign that the Lord’s great and terrible day will soon arrive.

Almighty God is My Shepherd