Showing posts with label pray to God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pray to God. Show all posts

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Welcoming the Lord’s Return | I Learned to Coordinate With Others

Almighty God's Word, The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning
christian testimony, I Learned to Work With Others,

By Liu Heng, Jiangxi Province

In a recent vote, I was elected to be a church leader. In order to repay God’s love, I made a resolution before God: No matter what I encounter, I will not abandon my responsibilities and betray God. I will coordinate with my brothers and sisters to perform my duty well and will be someone who pursues the truth.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Diary of a Christian: Learning the Lesson of Obedience

Diary of a Christian: Learning the Lesson of Obedience

Friday, January 5, 2018 Sunny

Today was a day I’ll never forget. The person in charge told me that urgently needed a sister to perform hosting duties and asked if I’d be willing. When I heard this, my heart was in turmoil and I couldn’t calm myself down. I never thought I would be asked to perform this duty, and the discontent I felt inside came straight out: “How can you arrange for me to do hosting duties? Elderly brothers and sisters are suited to do that kind of duty. Though my caliber may be lacking, it’s not so poor that I’m only fit to do hosting duties! I’ve been a leader for years and wherever I go, brothers and sisters host me and revolve around me, and yet now I’m actually expected to host others in turn? Don’t you know anything about how to use people?

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Christian testimonies | I Will No Longer Be Blinded by Good Intentions

I Will No Longer Be Blinded by Good Intentions

By Meng Yu, Henan Province

Picture of The Church of Almighty God
Not long ago, I noticed that one of the brothers would often pay excessive attention to some sisters, and so I thought he was perhaps expressing a wicked disposition, and I decided to look for an opportunity to remind him of this. Later on, I saw that this brother was not achieving any significant results in his duties, and this was further confirmation that what I thought about him was correct. So I decided to find an opportunity to talk to him. However, when we touched upon this matter, he sternly denied all my comments and retorted that I was judgmental. “For all these years,” he said, “whenever you fellowship with me, you lecture me with a condescending attitude, and today you speak in the same condescending manner.”

Monday, November 12, 2018

Christian testimonies | I Learned to Work With Others

I Learned to Work With Others

Liu Heng Jiangxi Province

Almighty God's Word, The Church of Almighty God,
Picture of The Church of Almighty God
Through the grace and exaltation of God, I took on the responsibility of being a church leader. At that time, I was very enthusiastic and I set a resolution before God: No matter what I encounter, I will not abandon my responsibilities. I will work well with the other sister and will be someone who seeks after truth. But I was merely resolved, and didn’t know how to enter into the reality of a harmonious working relationship. When I first started associating with the sister whom I was working with, and when we had differing opinions or disputes, I would consciously pray to God asking Him to protect my heart and spirit that I might not blame my partner.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Christian testimonies | I Enjoyed a Rich Banquet

I Enjoyed a Rich Banquet

Xinwei Zhejiang Province

Knowing God, Knowing God’s Will, The Grace of God,
Picture of The Church of Almighty God
June 25 and 26 were unforgettable days. Our Zhejiang region experienced a huge event, with most region leaders and workers seized by the great red dragon. Only a few of us escaped unscathed and, our hearts full of gratitude, we made a secret oath to God: to cooperate well with the work to follow. Subsequently we started the hectic work of dealing with the aftermath. And after almost a month, the arrangements were approaching completion. That month was a hot one, and while we suffered physically our hearts were content, as our work proceeded smoothly right under the nose of the great red dragon. When the work was complete I unwittingly found myself in a state of self-satisfaction, thinking how clever I was to have arranged the work so well. What a capable worker I was! And it was at this time that God visited His chastisement and judgment upon me …

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Testimony Articles on Life Experience | A Rebirth

A Rebirth

Yang Zheng Heilongjiang Province

The church of Almighty God, Chinese Christians,
Picture of The Church of Almighty God | A Rebirth
I was born into an impoverished rural family that was backward in their thinking. I was vain from a young age and my desire for status was particularly strong. Over time, through the social influence and a traditional education, I took all sorts of Satan’s rules for survival into my heart. All kinds of fallacies nurtured my desire for reputation and status, such as building a beautiful homeland with your own two hands, fame will make you immortal, people need face like a tree needs its bark, getting ahead and being on top, one should bring honor to his ancestors, etc.

Friday, June 22, 2018

As a Christian, Regularly Attending Gatherings Cannot Be Neglected!

As a Christian, Regularly Attending Gatherings Cannot Be Neglected!
Hello brothers and sisters of Spiritual Q&A,
I get very tired from working during the day, and I do not sleep very well at night. As a result, I am not willing to make it to gatherings on time. I do not like to be restricted. I feel that if I have spiritual needs, as long as I look for my brothers and sisters to chat during those times, it should be fine. I wonder what the cause of this issue is. How should I resolve this?
An Jing

Almighty God is My Shepherd