Showing posts with label the Cross. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the Cross. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Christian Documentary "The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything" Testimony of the Power of God

Christian Documentary "The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything" Testimony of the Power of God

      In the vast heavens of the universe, strewn with stars, every celestial body travels precisely along its own track. The distances between the sun, the earth, and the moon are just perfect…. This has created an environment suitable for human life.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Do You Know the Unknown Significance Behind Easter?

Do You Know the Unknown Significance Behind Easter?
    Easter is known to every Christian, and it originated from the Lord Jesus’ resurrection and ascension three days after His crucifixion. Christians observe the feast of Easter to commemorate the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, so Easter occurs between March 22 and April 25 each year. In this year, Easter Day is on April 16. When you are celebrating this feast, however, do you know why the Lord Jesus was resurrected three days after His death? And why did He appear to many people after His resurrection?

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Christ of the Last Days, the Savior Has Come | "Who's Nailing God to the Cross Again?" (Short Film)

Christ of the Last Days, the Savior Has Come | "Who's Nailing God to the Cross Again?" (Short Film)

Gu Shoucheng is a pastor in a house church in China. He has believed in the Lord for many years, and has been working consistently on his sermons, and he has been all over preaching the gospel. He has been arrested and imprisoned because of preaching the gospel, and did 12 years' time. After getting out of prison, Gu Shoucheng continued to work in the church.

Almighty God is My Shepherd