Showing posts with label the life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the life. Show all posts

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Best Christian Family Movie "Where Is My Home" | God Gave Me a Happy Family (English Dubbed)

Best Christian Family Movie "Where Is My Home" | God Gave Me a Happy Family (English Dubbed)

Wenya's parents separated when she was two, and after that she lived with her father and stepmother. Her stepmother couldn't stand her and was always arguing with her father. He had little choice—he had to send Wenya to her mother's house, but her mother was fully focused on running her business and didn't have any time to take care of Wenya, so she was often shuttled off to her relatives' and friends' homes to be fostered. After so many years of a life of foster care, young Wenya felt lonely and helpless, and longed for the warmth of a home. Only when her father and stepmother divorced did she return to her father's side, and from then on had a home, for better or for worse.

Friday, February 16, 2018

The Kingdom of God Is Come | Gospel Song | "God's Name Will Be Magnified Among the Gentile Nations"

The Kingdom of God Is Come | Gospel Song | "God's Name Will Be Magnified Among the Gentile Nations"

The purpose of God’s judgment is to encourage man’s obedience; the purpose of God’s chastisement is to allow for man’s transformation. Though God’s work is for His management’s sake, none of what He does isn’t good to man. God wants the lands beyond Israel to obey as the Israelites did, to make them into real men, so that in the lands beyond Israel God’s foothold shall be gained. This is the management of God. It’s His work in the lands of the Gentiles. 

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Praise the King of Kings | Gospel Music | "The Kingdom Anthem (II) God Is Come, God Is King"

Praise the King of Kings | Gospel Music | "The Kingdom Anthem (II) God Is Come, God Is King"

At this extraordinary moment, at this exhilarating time, in heaven above, and down below, all are singing, singing praises. At this, who is not excited? At this, who’s not light of heart? Facing this, who does not shed tears? Heaven, no more the heaven of old, is the heaven of the kingdom. Earth, no more the former earth, is a place of sanctity. After a mighty rain, the foul old world is completely changed.

Monday, February 12, 2018

God's Word "Restoring the Normal Life of Man and Taking Him to a Wonderful Destination" (Part One)

God's Word "Restoring the Normal Life of Man and Taking Him to a Wonderful Destination" (Part One)

Almighty God says, "Once the work of conquest has been completed, man will be brought into a beautiful world. This life will, of course, still be on earth, but it will be totally unlike man’s life today. It is the life that mankind will have after the whole of mankind has been conquered, it will be a new beginning for man on earth, and for mankind to have such a life will be proof that mankind has entered a new and beautiful realm.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

The Chinese Communist Party Uses “Cult” as a Pretext to Persecute Religious Beliefs | What’s a Cult?

The Chinese Communist Party Uses “Cult” as a Pretext to Persecute Religious Beliefs | What’s a Cult?

Since the Chinese Communist Party took power, it has been frantically suppressing religious beliefs. The Chinese Communist Party's religious policy and China's human rights conditions have been roundly denounced by democratic countries and international human rights organizations. China's definition of "cult" and its use of cult as a pretext to attack religious beliefs have particularly drawn serious doubts and criticisms of the international community.

Monday, February 5, 2018

"My Dream of the Heavenly Kingdom" (1) - How to Pursue in Order to Enter the Heavenly Kingdom (1)

"My Dream of the Heavenly Kingdom" (1) - How to Pursue in Order to Enter the Heavenly Kingdom (1)

Most believers of the Lord feel that as long as we follow the words of the Lord, practice humility and patience, and follow Paul's example by sacrificing, expending and laboring for the Lord, we will satisfy the will of God. And we will be brought into the heavenly kingdom when the Lord returns. However, have we ever considered whether such a quest would really earn the Lord's praise and admission to the heavenly kingdom? If not, how should we pursue to earn the praise of the Lord and be brought into the heavenly kingdom?

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Praise the Coming of God | Christian Song | "The Kingdom Anthem III All People, Shout for Joy"

Praise the Coming of God | Christian Song | "The Kingdom Anthem III All People, Shout for Joy"

All people regain their sight in God's light. All people enjoy good things in God's word. Setting forth from the East, God shines His glorious light and all nations are lit up.
    In the kingdom, man and God live in boundless joy. All of mankind toiling hard, faithfully serving God. All people shout for joy. In the kingdom, man and God live in harmony. Heaven and earth so intertwined. A life so honey-sweet. All people shout for joy. Now's the moment, God's begun His life in heaven. Satan disturbs no more, God's people rest in His kingdom.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

God's Utterance "How to Know God's Disposition and the Result of His Work" (Part Four)

God's Utterance "How to Know God's Disposition and the Result of His Work" (Part Four)

Almighty God says, "God made all things interconnected, mutually intertwined, and interdependent. He used this method and these rules to maintain the survival and existence of all things and in this way mankind has lived quietly and peacefully and has grown and multiplied from one generation to the next in this living environment up to the present day.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

The Seven Thunders Peal—Prophesying That the Kingdom Gospel Shall Spread Throughout the Universe

The Seven Thunders Peal—Prophesying That the Kingdom Gospel Shall Spread Throughout the Universe

Almighty God says, "Only when the light of the East gradually turns white will the darkness across the earth begin to turn to light, and only then will man discover that I have long ago gone from Israel and am rising anew in the East. Having once descended into Israel and later departed from it, I cannot again be born into Israel, because My work leads all of the universe and, what is more, the lightning flashes straight from East to West.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Christian Music Video | Live in the Light | "The Prayer of God’s People"

Christian Music Video | Live in the Light | "The Prayer of God’s People"

God’s people are raised before His throne, many prayers in their hearts. God blesses all who return to Him; they all live in the light. Pray the Holy Spirit enlightens God’s word that we fully know God’s willMay all people cherish God’s word and come seeking to know God. May God give us more of His grace, so our dispositions can change. May God perfect us to become one heart and mind with Him. May God discipline us so we can fulfill our duty to Him. May the Holy Spirit daily guide us to preach and witness God. 

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Gospel Movie Clip "The Moment of Change" (1) - How Are Wise Virgins Raptured?

Some people go by Paul's word on the matter of waiting for the Lord to be raised into the kingdom of heaven: "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." (1Co 15:52). They believe that although we still sin constantly without breaking away from the bondage of sinful nature, the Lord will change our images instantly and bring us into the kingdom of heaven when He comes.

Friday, January 19, 2018

The Judgement Day Is Come | Christian Song | "God Descends With Judgment"

The Judgement Day Is Come | Christian Song | "God Descends With Judgment"

    While coming down to the nation of the great red dragon, God turns to face the universe and it starts shaking. Is there any place that doesn't face His judgment? Or live in the scourge that He unleashes? Everywhere He goes He scatters seeds of disaster, but through it gives salvation and shows His love. God wishes to make more people know Him, see Him and then revere Him. They've not seen Him for so long, but now He's so real.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

God With Me | Christian Movie "God Is the Power of My Life" Christians Depend on God to Defeat Satan

God With Me | Christian Movie "God Is the Power of My Life" Christians Depend on God to Defeat Satan

Fang Jin is a Christian. She was arrested by the CCP government at a gathering. To force her to sell out her brothers and sisters and betray God, the police deprived her of food, water and sleep for seven days and six nights, and inflicted all kinds of inhuman torture on her: vicious beating, "playing the swings," squatting, teasing, and humiliating. She was covered with wounds and paralyzed in the lower limbs. In agony, she prayed to God. The word of God enlightened and guided her to repeatedly see through Satan's tricks and added to her faith and strength. So she was able to survive Satan's devastation and stand witness for God! After experiencing the brutal persecution of the CCP demons, she discerned the demonic essence of the CCP. At the same time, she also saw the wonderful works of God and realized the power and authority of God's word. She profoundly realized that God is the power of her life, her only reliance and salvation. She is determined to follow God throughout her life!

Eastern LightningThe Church of Almighty God was created because of the appearance and work of Almighty God, the second coming of the Lord Jesus, Christ of the last days. It is made up of all those who accept Almighty God's work in the last days and are conquered and saved by His words. It was entirely founded by Almighty God personally and is led by Him as the Shepherd. It was definitely not created by a person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God's sheep hear God's voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.

Almighty God is My Shepherd