Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Best Christian Movie | "Stay Out of My Business" | The Spiritual Awakening of Christians

Best Christian Movie | "Stay Out of My Business" | The Spiritual Awakening of Christians

Li Qingxin is a preacher in a house church in China who has been faithful to the Lord for many years. Always she enthusiastically does the Lord's work of spreading the gospel, vigilantly awaiting the Lord's coming to bring her up to the heavenly kingdom. In recent years, Li Qingxin has seen that assorted sects and churches have become ever more desolate.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

God's Judgement in the Last Days | Christian Song | "The Symbolic Meaning of God’s Wrath"

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God's Judgement in the Last Days | Christian Song | "The Symbolic Meaning of God’s Wrath"

When God’s dignity and holiness are being challenged, when just forces are obstructed, unseen by man, this is when God will send forth His wrath. This is when God will send forth His wrath. Because of God’s substance, all forces on earth which contest, oppose Him are evil, unjust. All of them come from Satan, belong to Satan. Since God is just, of light, and holy, so all things evil, corrupt, belonging to Satan, will vanish from here. 

Monday, March 12, 2018

Christian Video 2018 | Amazing Grace of God | "Woe or Blessing" | Can Money Buy Happiness?

Christian Video 2018 | Amazing Grace of God | "Woe or Blessing" | Can Money Buy Happiness?

Because she came from an impoverished family, from an early age Du Juan was determined to make a lot of money to live a better life. In order to realize this aim, she left school early on to do manual work, whatever she could do to earn money. She did not complain when the work was hard and tiring.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

A Situational Reading | "God's True Love" | The Church of Almighty God

A Situational Reading | "God's True Love" | The Church of Almighty God

In order to make her way in the world, the protagonist has to follow the trends of the world and rush about and toil for fame, gain and status. She lives an empty and painful life. After believing in Almighty God, she finds the meaning of human life in Almighty God's words, and starts to joyfully follow God and perform her duties in the church.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

"God Is the Lord of All Creation" | The Word of the Holy Spirit to the Churches

"God Is the Lord of All Creation" | The Word of the Holy Spirit to the Churches

Almighty God says, "His initial work was carried out in Judea, within the scope of Israel; in Gentile nations He did not do any era-launching work whatsoever. The final stage of His work is not only carried out among the people of Gentile nations; even more so, it is carried out among those cursed people. This one point is the evidence most capable of humiliating Satan; thus, God “becomes” the God of all creation in the universe and becomes the Lord of all things, the object of worship for everything with life."

Friday, March 9, 2018

Best Christian Movie | The Good News From God | "The True Light Appears"

Best Christian Movie | The Good News From God | "The True Light Appears"

Gangqiang is a Christian. He saw how great is the Lord's love of man and His pity for man, and he resolved many times that he would love the Lord, satisfy the Lord, implement the word of the Lord, and conduct himself as a person praised by the Lord.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything | Is Mankind Really in Control of Its Own Fate?

The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything | Is Mankind Really in Control of Its Own Fate?

Faced with unexpected disaster, all our knowledge, skills, and ability count for nothing.... We can only cry out in sorrow, awaiting death amid fear and helplessness.... And we can't help but ask ourselves: Who controls our fate? Who is our only salvation? 

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Christ of the Last Days, the Savior Has Come | "Who's Nailing God to the Cross Again?" (Short Film)

Christ of the Last Days, the Savior Has Come | "Who's Nailing God to the Cross Again?" (Short Film)

Gu Shoucheng is a pastor in a house church in China. He has believed in the Lord for many years, and has been working consistently on his sermons, and he has been all over preaching the gospel. He has been arrested and imprisoned because of preaching the gospel, and did 12 years' time. After getting out of prison, Gu Shoucheng continued to work in the church.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Church Life Movie | "God's Salvation" | Live in the Light of God

Church Life Movie | "God's Salvation" | Live in the Light of God

Chen Mowen was born into an ordinary peasant family. Because she was born a girl, her father's feudal preference for boys caused her to be excluded and ignored at home, and because there were no sons in her household, the other villagers looked down on her family. She decided to work hard on her studies, get into a good university, and become successful to win back some dignity for herself. However, her father's sudden illness shattered her academic dreams. At her most miserable and hopeless, Almighty God's work in the last days found her.

Almighty God is My Shepherd