Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Christian Worship Song "God Has Appeared in the East of the World With Glory"

Christian Worship Song "God Has Appeared in the East of the World With Glory"

God is doing work throughout the universe. Thunderous noises in the East do not relent, shaking all denominations and all sects. It's God's voice that brought all to the present. It's His voice that will have all conquered. They fall in this stream, and submit to Him. God has long ago reclaimed glory from the earth, and from the East He has reissued it. Who doesn't long to see the glory of God?

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

English Christian Song 2018 "God Has Revealed His Entire Disposition to Man"

English Christian Song 2018 "God Has Revealed His Entire Disposition to Man"

The Spirit of God has done such great work ever since the world was created.
He has done different works in different nations, and across different ages.
The people of each age see His different dispositions
naturally revealed for all people to see
and shown through works that are different.
He is God, filled with mercy, filled with loving kindness.
He’s man’s sin offering and shepherd.

Monday, February 18, 2019

New 2019 Gospel Song "The Purpose of God's Management Work"

New 2019 Gospel Song "The Purpose of God's Management Work"

God has a 6,000-year management plan, split into three phases, each called an age.
Age of Law first, then Age of Grace, and the Age of Kingdom is the final phase.
While God’s work differs in each, it all accords to what mankind needs,
or to be more precise, it accords to the tricks used by Satan while battling Him.
The purpose of God’s work is Satan’s defeat,
to reveal God’s wisdom and almightiness, and to expose all of Satan’s tricks,
thereby saving man from its domain, thereby saving man from its domain.

It’s to reveal God’s wisdom and almightiness, and expose Satan’s hideous depravity,
teach created beings to tell good from evil, and know the Ruler of all things is God Himself,
see clearly that Satan is man’s enemy, that it’s the evil one, a reprobate,
so man can tell good from evil, truth from lies, holiness from filth, and great from base.
The purpose of God’s work is Satan’s defeat,
to reveal God’s wisdom and almightiness, and to expose all of Satan’s tricks,
thereby saving man from its domain, thereby saving man from its domain.
Make ignorant mankind bear witness to Him:
It is not “God” who brought upon man corruption,
and only God Himself, Master of creation,
can bestow things to enjoy and bring man salvation
This is so they can come to know that God is the Ruler of all things,
that Satan is merely a creation of His, which later chose to turn on Him.

God’s 6000-year plan is split in three phases, so that the following can be achieved:
to allow His creations to be His witnesses, to know His will, and see that the truth is He.
The purpose of God’s work is Satan’s defeat,
to reveal God’s wisdom and almightiness, and to expose all of Satan’s tricks,
thereby saving man from its domain, thereby saving man from its domain.

from “The Truth Concerning the Work in the Age of Redemption” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Recommendation: Worship God in Spirit and in Truth | "The Heart's Voice of a Created Being" Christian Music Video

Sunday, February 17, 2019

New Gospel Song "The Great Red Dragon Collapses as God's People Grow" | Praise God's Actions

New Gospel Song "The Great Red Dragon Collapses as God's People Grow" | Praise God's Actions

The More Mature God’s People Get,
the More the Great Red Dragon Collapses
When the people have all been made complete,
and all nations are Christ’s kingdom, the seven thunders will peal.
Today’s a stride towards that stage. The charge has been unleashed.
This is God’s plan. It will soon be realized.
To carry out God’s plan successfully,
heaven’s angels have descended on earth.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

New 2019 Gospel Song "The Purpose of God's Management Work"

New 2019 Gospel Song "The Purpose of God's Management Work"

    God has a 6,000-year management plan, split into three phases, each called an age.
Age of Law first, then Age of Grace, and the Age of Kingdom is the final phase.
While God’s work differs in each, it all accords to what mankind needs,
or to be more precise, it accords to the tricks used by Satan while battling Him.
The purpose of God’s work is Satan’s defeat,
to reveal God’s wisdom and almightiness, and to expose all of Satan’s tricks,
thereby saving man from its domain, thereby saving man from its domain.

Friday, February 15, 2019

What Kind of People Are the Poor in Spirit (Matthew 5:3)?

By Mei Juan

    In one of my daily devotions, I read that the Lord Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:3). I put down the Bible and began to contemplate this, “The Lord likes and blesses the poor in spirit, and theirs is the kingdom of heaven. But what kind of people are the poor in spirit? Are the poor in spirit those who appear on the outside to be humble, gentle, and loving to others?” I contemplated this for quite a while, but found no light, and I thought about it into the afternoon, when I just happened to have a meeting, where I could discuss and explore this question with my brothers and sisters.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

English Christian Song "God's Love Has Melted My Heart"

English Christian Song "God's Love Has Melted My Heart"

I’ve often been cold to You, hurt and saddened You,
hard-hearted, rebelled, left You alone.
Why is Your love for man repaid with pain?
I hate my hard heart and my deep corruption.
Filthy, unworthy to see You, of Your love.
I am such a rebellious person,
how could I know Your heart, see Your love?

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Almighty God Is the Lord of All Things | Christian Song "The Status and Identity of God Himself"

Almighty God Is the Lord of All Things | Christian Song "The Status and Identity of God Himself"

God’s identity is Creator, Ruler.
He is unique amongst all things, all that there is.
None of God’s creatures, man or spiritual,
can portray, replace His status or identity.
For there exists only one among all things
with this identity, authority, power,
and ability to rule over all things.
It’s the only One: Our unique God Himself.
God rules and reigns over all things.
He created, administers, and provides for all there is.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Song About Jesus | "Emulate the Lord Jesus" | Jesus Christ Is My Beloved

Song About Jesus | "Emulate the Lord Jesus" | Jesus Christ Is My Beloved

Jesus completed God’s mission,
the redemption work of all man
by giving His cares to God’s will,
without selfish purpose or plans.
At the center He placed God’s plan.
To heavenly Father He prayed,
seeking heavenly Father’s will.
He would seek and He’d always pray.
If like Jesus you give all your cares to God
and turn your back to flesh,
God will trust you with vital tasks
to enable you to serve Him.

Almighty God is My Shepherd