Showing posts with label Praise God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Praise God. Show all posts

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Gospel Music "Follow the Holy Spirit's New Work and Gain God's Praise"

Gospel Music "Follow the Holy Spirit's New Work and Gain God's Praise"

Wow ... wow … wow …
Following the Holy Spirit’s work means one understands God’s will of today,
acts according to God’s demands, follows the God of today,
obeys His present requirements and enters by His newest utterances.
Such people follow the Spirit’s work.
They are in the Holy Spirit’s stream, can see God and receive God’s praise.
They can know God’s disposition, of man’s conception and disobedience,
and of man’s nature and substance.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Christian Music "The Significance of the Appearance of God" (2018 New English Song)

Christian Music "The Significance of the Appearance of God" (2018 New English Song)

God's appearance signifies His arrival on earth to do His work. With His own identity, disposition, method, He comes to initiate and end an age. His appearance isn't a ceremony, or a sign, picture, miracle or grand vision, much less a religious process, but it's a real fact to touch and behold. It's not just for following a process or for a short-term undertaking, but instead is for a stage of work in His management plan. This work starts a new age, and ends the old one. It's an improved form of work for man's salvation. It brings man into a whole new age. This is the significance of God's appearance.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Gospel Song 2018 "Give Mind and Body to Fulfill God's Commission" | The Great Mission of Christians

Gospel Song 2018 "Give Mind and Body to Fulfill God's Commission" | The Great Mission of Christians

As members of the human race,
as Christ’s devoted followers,
it’s our duty, our responsibility
to offer up our minds and bodies
for the fulfillment of God’s commission.
For our whole being came from God,
and we exist thanks to His sovereignty.
For our whole being came from God,
and we exist thanks to His sovereignty.
If our minds and bodies aren’t for
God’s commission or mankind’s righteous cause,
our souls will be unworthy of those martyred
for the sake of God’s commission,
much more unworthy of God
who gives us everything.
For our whole being came from God,
and we exist thanks to His sovereignty.
For our whole being came from God,
and we exist thanks to His sovereignty.
For our whole being came from God,
and we exist thanks to His sovereignty.
For our whole being came from God,
and we exist thanks to His sovereignty.
from “God Presides Over the Fate of All Mankind” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Watch videos : Worship God in Spirit and in Truth | "The Heart's Voice of a Created Being" Christian Music Video

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Christian Song 2018 | "The Principles for Seeking the True Way"

Christian Song 2018 | "The Principles for Seeking the True Way"

See if the Spirit works, if truth is expressed;
see who is testified, and what it brings to you.
For belief in God means belief in God’s Spirit.
Faith in God incarnate is faith in the fact that
He’s the embodiment of the Spirit of God,
He is God’s Spirit who takes the form of flesh,
He is the Word that now has become flesh.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

English Gospel Song 2018 "How to Know the Appearance and Work of Christ of the Last Days"

English Gospel Song 2018 "How to Know the Appearance and Work of Christ of the Last Days"

God’s incarnation shall embody God’s substance and expression.
And when He’s made flesh He’ll bring forth the work He’s been given
to express what He is, bring truth to all men,
give them life and show them the way.
Any flesh that doesn’t embed His substance surely is not God incarnate.
Confirm God’s flesh and the true way by His disposition, words and works.
Focus on His substance instead of His appearance.
It is ignorant and naive to focus on God’s external appearance

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Christian Worship Song "God's Kingdom Has Appeared on Earth"

Christian Worship Song "God's Kingdom Has Appeared on Earth"

Almighty true God, King on the throne,
ruling the whole universe,
facing all nations and all peoples.
The whole world shines with God’s glory.
All things in the universe shall see,
all living things everywhere shall see.
The mountains, lands, rivers and lakes,
oceans and all living beings,
in the light of the true God’s presence,
have opened their curtains, revived,
as though waking to life from a dream,
or like sprouts breaking through soil to light.

Friday, February 22, 2019

English Christian Song 2018 "Do You Know God's Work"

English Christian Song 2018 "Do You Know God's Work"

God's work in the flesh is not spectacular, nor is it shrouded in mystery. It's real and actual, like one and one is two; it's not hidden and there's no duplicity. All people see is authentic, so is the truth and knowledge they attain. When the work comes to its end, their knowledge of Him will be renewed. And the conceptions of those, who truly seek Him will all be gone. This isn't just the effect of His work on Chinese people, but reflects His work of conquering all of man, reflects His work of conquering all of man.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Praise and Worship Song 2018 | Praise God for His Great Grace | "God's Humbleness Is So Lovable"

Praise and Worship Song 2018 | Praise God for His Great Grace | "God's Humbleness Is So Lovable"

God humbles Himself and does His work
on the filthy and corrupt man to make them perfect.
God becomes man.
He shepherds and attends to them, comes to the great red dragon’s heart
to save and to conquer those corrupt,
doing the task of changing and making them new.
He humbles Himself to be man and endures the hardship it brings.
It’s the supreme Spirit’s great humiliation.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Christian Worship Song "God Has Appeared in the East of the World With Glory"

Christian Worship Song "God Has Appeared in the East of the World With Glory"

God is doing work throughout the universe. Thunderous noises in the East do not relent, shaking all denominations and all sects. It's God's voice that brought all to the present. It's His voice that will have all conquered. They fall in this stream, and submit to Him. God has long ago reclaimed glory from the earth, and from the East He has reissued it. Who doesn't long to see the glory of God?

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

English Christian Song 2018 "God Has Revealed His Entire Disposition to Man"

English Christian Song 2018 "God Has Revealed His Entire Disposition to Man"

The Spirit of God has done such great work ever since the world was created.
He has done different works in different nations, and across different ages.
The people of each age see His different dispositions
naturally revealed for all people to see
and shown through works that are different.
He is God, filled with mercy, filled with loving kindness.
He’s man’s sin offering and shepherd.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

New Gospel Song "The Great Red Dragon Collapses as God's People Grow" | Praise God's Actions

New Gospel Song "The Great Red Dragon Collapses as God's People Grow" | Praise God's Actions

The More Mature God’s People Get,
the More the Great Red Dragon Collapses
When the people have all been made complete,
and all nations are Christ’s kingdom, the seven thunders will peal.
Today’s a stride towards that stage. The charge has been unleashed.
This is God’s plan. It will soon be realized.
To carry out God’s plan successfully,
heaven’s angels have descended on earth.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Gospel Song | "People Better Know God Through the Work of Words" | The Power of the Word of God

Gospel Song | "People Better Know God Through the Work of Words" | The Power of the Word of God

  God of the last days mainly uses the word to perfect man,
not signs and wonders to oppress or convince him,
since these can’t explain God’s power.
If God showed only signs and wonders,
it would be impossible to make plain the reality of God,
and thus impossible to perfect man.
God doesn’t perfect man by signs and wonders,
but waters and shepherds man using words,
to achieve man’s obedience, knowledge of God.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

2019 Christian Worship Song | "God Is in Heaven and Also on Earth"

2019 Christian Worship Song | "God Is in Heaven and Also on Earth"

God is practical in men's heart, when He is on earth. In heaven, God is the Ruler of all creatures. Once God traveled over mountains and waters, softly He has ever strolled among the human race. Who dare resist in public the practical God Himself? Who dare get out of the Almighty's rule? Who dare say God is in heaven beyond doubt? And who dare say God is sure on earth? No man can say for sure where God really is. No man can say for sure where God is.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

2019 Christian Music | "True Faith Comes Only From Knowing God" | Know God From His Words and Work

2019 Christian Music | "True Faith Comes Only From Knowing God" | Know God From His Words and Work

God’s work now is to speak, no more signs, nor wonders.
It’s not the Age of Grace. God is normal and real.
In the last days He’s not the supernatural Jesus,
but a practical God in flesh, no different from man.
So man’s belief in God is because of His many works, words and deeds.
Yes, it is God’s utterance that conquers and perfects man.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Gospel Song | "A Different Age, Different Divine Work" | Do You Know the Work of God in the New Age?

Through His actual work on earth,
God causes man to know Him,
causes man to engage with Him,
and makes man see His actual deeds.
He makes man clearly see
that He sometimes does or doesn’t
display signs and perform wonders.
This is dependent on the age.
This shows that God’s capable
of displaying signs and wonders,
but He changes His working
based on His work and on the age.
’Cause it’s a different age
and a different stage of God’s work,
the deeds that God makes plain are different.
Man’s belief in God is not in signs, wonders or miracles,
but in His real work during the new age, during the new age.
In the current stage of work,
He doesn’t show signs or wonders
He did in the age of Jesus,
because His work in that age was different.
God doesn’t do that work now.
And some think that He can’t do it
or isn’t God since He doesn’t.
Isn’t that just a fallacy?
God is capable of displaying signs and wonders,
but He’s working in a different age
and so He doesn’t do such work.
Cause it’s a different age
and a different stage of God’s work,
the deeds that God makes plain are different.
Man’s belief in God is not in signs, wonders or miracles,
but in His real work during the new age, during the new age.
Oh, man comes to know God
through the manner in which God works.
This knowledge produces in man
the belief in God, in His work and deeds.
’Cause it’s a different age
and a different stage of God’s work,
the deeds that God makes plain are different.
Man’s belief in God is not in signs, wonders or miracles,
but in His real work during the new age,
during the new age, during the new age.

 Watch videos :worship God in spirit and in truth

Monday, February 4, 2019

Christian Music Video | Feel the Love of God | "When You Open Your Heart to God"

Christian Music Video | Feel the Love of God | "When You Open Your Heart to God"

When You Open Your Heart to God
When you do not understand God and do not know His nature,
your hearts can never truly open, open up to God.
Once you understand your God,
you will understand what's in His heart,
and savor what lies in Him
with all your faith and heed.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Christian Music Video | Long for the Love of God Forever | "My Beloved, Please Wait for Me" (Korean)

Christian Music Video | Long for the Love of God Forever | "My Beloved, Please Wait for Me" (Korean)

The moon creeps up the treetops,
its light is beautiful, like my beloved.
My beloved, where are You?
Have You heard me weep?
Who else gives me love but You?
Who cares for me but You?
Who takes care of me but You?
Who cherishes my life but You?
Moon, soon return to the far side of heaven.
Don’t make my beloved worry. Please convey my thoughts.
Don’t forget to take my love with you.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Kids Dance Christian Song "Those Who Sincerely Love God Are All Honest People" | New Life of Kingdom

Kids Dance Christian Song "Those Who Sincerely Love God Are All Honest People" | New Life of Kingdom

Pure and honest like a child, innocent and lively, full of youthful vitality,
they are like angels that come to the world.
No lies, no deceit or deception, with an open, honest heart they live with dignity.
They give their hearts to God, God trusts them, and they are the honest people God loves.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Best Christian Music Video | So Happy to Live in the Love of God | "Christ's Kingdom Is a Warm Home"

Best Christian Music Video | So Happy to Live in the Love of God | "Christ's Kingdom Is a Warm Home"

More Best Christian Music Video
Best Christian Music Video "The Heart's Voice of a Created Being"
Best Christian Music Video "The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything" (Christian Musical Documentary)

Almighty God is My Shepherd