Showing posts with label Faith in God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Faith in God. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Worship Song | Learn How to Pray to God | "True Prayer"

Worship Song | Learn How to Pray to God | "True Prayer"

True prayer is speaking your heart’s words to God.
It’s based on God’s will and His word.
True prayer is feeling, oh, so close to God, as if He’s in front of you.
True prayer means you have much to say to God,
your heart is radiant as the sun,
you feel inspired by the loveliness of God, those who hear are gratified.
True prayer will bring both peace and pleasure,
the strength to love God rises up, the worth of loving God is felt;
and all of this will prove your prayers are true.
True prayer is not about formality, not procedure nor reciting words.
True prayer doesn’t mean to copy others.
Speak your heart and be touched by God.
True prayer is shown by a heart that yearns for what God Himself requires,
the will to fulfill in obedience and to hate all that God dislikes.
Woah … woah … woah … woah …
If your prayers are to be effective, God’s words are what you must read.
And only by praying amid God’s own words will illumination be seen.
And upon the basis of which you have knowledge,
all truths that God says are clear,
having strong faith and a way to practice.
Only this is a prayer that’s true.
Yes, only this is a prayer that’s true.
True prayer will bring both peace and pleasure,
the strength to love God rises up, the worth of loving God is felt;
and all of this will prove your prayers are true, are true.
Woah … woah … woah … woah …
Yeah, your prayers are true.
Woah … woah … woah … woah …

                             from The Word Appears in the Flesh

Recommendation: Come and Praise God

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

2018 Best Christian Dance Music | "The True Love of God" (Korean Song English Subtitles)

Today I come before God again, I see His lovely face.
Today I come before God again, I’ve left my wandering past behind.
Today I come before God again, enjoying His word fills me with joy.
Today I come before God again, my heart has so much to say.
It’s His tender words that water and nourish me to grow up.
It’s His stern words that encourage me to stand up again.
Oh God! We can praise You for You have raised us!

Friday, February 1, 2019

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Best Christian Music Video | So Happy to Live in the Love of God | "Christ's Kingdom Is a Warm Home"

Best Christian Music Video | So Happy to Live in the Love of God | "Christ's Kingdom Is a Warm Home"

More Best Christian Music Video
Best Christian Music Video "The Heart's Voice of a Created Being"
Best Christian Music Video "The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything" (Christian Musical Documentary)

Monday, January 28, 2019

Christian Song "Blessed Are Those Who Accept God’s New Work" | Follow the Work of the Holy Spirit

Christian Song "Blessed Are Those Who Accept God’s New Work" | Follow the Work of the Holy Spirit

Christian Song "Blessed Are Those Who Accept God’s New Work" | Follow the Work of the Holy Spirit

Thursday, December 27, 2018

The Word of the Spirit of God "In Your Faith in God You Should Obey God"

The Word of the Spirit of God "In Your Faith in God You Should Obey God"

Almighty God says, "Key to obeying God is appreciating the new light, and being able to accept it and put it into practice. Only this is true obedience. … Not being satisfied with living amid God’s graces, actively thirsting for the truth, and searching for the truth, and pursuing being gained by God—this is what it means to consciously obey God; this is precisely the kind of faith that God wants."

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

What Does It Mean to Have Humanity?

What Does It Mean to Have Humanity?


Brothers and sisters, peace be with you! The majority of us understand “normal humanity” as, if nothing else but, living harmoniously with others, having a loving heart, tolerance and acceptance for others or being kind and charitable. Now, do you know how we should live out a normal humanity as God requests us to? As Christians, how can we practice and gain entry so that we can live out a genuine humanity in accordance with God’s will? The essay that will be shared today will provide us with a new understanding about this topic. Please listen …

Yue Ming

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning, judgment
Picture of The Church of Almighty God
God said: “Normal humanity includes these aspects: insight, sense, conscience, and character. If you can achieve normality in each of these respects, your humanity is up to standard. You should have the likeness of a normal human being and behave like a believer in God. You don’t have to achieve great heights or engage in diplomacy. You just have to be a normal human being, with a normal person’s sense, be able to see through things, and at least look like a normal human being. That will be enough” (“Improving Caliber Is for Receiving God’s Salvation” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). In the past, my understanding was that as long as one did not fight or quarrel with others and could live harmoniously with others, one was living out a normal humanity.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Christian testimonies | Tear Off the Mask, and Start Life Afresh

The Church of Almighty God, the Mask. Xiaozhen's Story,
Picture of The Church of Almighty God | Xiaozhen's Story

Chen Dan Hunan Province

At the end of last year, because I was unable to get the gospel work in my area off the ground, God’s family transferred a brother from another area to take over my work. Prior to this I had not been informed, but rather heard indirectly through a sister I was partnering with. I was very upset. I suspected that the person in charge hadn’t informed me for fear that I would be unwilling to give up my position and put up a fight. As a result, I formed a poor opinion of the sister in charge. Later, the sister met with me and asked about how I felt about being replaced—initially I meant to speak my mind, but I worried that she’d get a bad impression of me and think I was angling for position. So instead, in as relaxed a voice as possible I said, “It’s no problem, I wasn’t able to do constructive work so it makes sense I’d be replaced.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

What Is Faith in God | God's Word "Only He Who Experiences the Work of God Truly Believes in God"

What Is Faith in God | God's Word "Only He Who Experiences the Work of God Truly Believes in God"

Almighty God says, "When Jesus came into the world of man, He brought the Age of Grace and ended the Age of Law. During the last days, God once more became flesh, and when He became flesh this time, He ended the Age of Grace and brought the Age of Kingdom.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

The Hymn of God's Word | How to Recover the Lost Salvation | The Church of Almighty God

    You asked how long I'd follow You; I said I'd give my youth and accompany You. A murmur came from the depths of my heart, shook the earth and set the mountains swaying. I swore my oaths with tear-stained cheeks, but did not know my own hypocrisy.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

So Beautiful Four Seasons, Only God Can Create Them! | Eastern Lightning

Seas change into mulberry fields and mulberry fields into seas with time passes;
Wind, frost, snow, and rain;
Four seasons turn;
Sun and moon interchange;
The stars change in positions…
Who ordains the rules which haven’t been changed for thousands of years?

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Christian Crosstalk "Waking Up" | The Lord Is Knocking on the Door—Come and Meet the Lord

Christian Crosstalk "Waking Up" | The Lord Is Knocking on the Door—Come and Meet the Lord

Just Awake and About To Wake are preachers of a Christian sect who both sincerely believe in the Lord, and who eagerly yearn for His return. But they have always felt puzzled and confused about how the Lord will knock at the door upon His return, and what they should do to welcome Him.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Christian English Song | "Humanity’s Only Path to Enter Into Rest"

Christian English Song | "Humanity’s Only Path to Enter Into Rest"

      Those who stand firm during God’s final cleansing by chastisement and judgment will enter into the final rest. Those who have broken free from Satan’s influence will be obtained by God and enter the final rest.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Christian Crosstalk "A Wrong Turn" | Heed the Voice of God and You Will Not Lose Your Way

Christian Crosstalk "A Wrong Turn" | Heed the Voice of God and You Will Not Lose Your Way

When Zhao Xun hears the words uttered by the returned Lord, she feels that these words are all the truth. However, she fears that her stature is too small and she is incapable of discerning, so wants to seek out her pastor to act as a gatekeeper.

Friday, April 13, 2018

The Word of God | "What Do You Know of Faith?" | What Is True Faith in God?

The Word of God | "What Do You Know of Faith?" | What Is True Faith in God?

Almighty God says, "My deeds are greater in number than the grains of sand on the beaches, and My wisdom greater than that of all those sons of Solomon, yet men merely think of Me as a physician of little account and an unknown teacher of man!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Power of Faith in God | Christian Video | "Seventeen? The Hell You Are!"

The Power of Faith in God | Christian Video | "Seventeen? The Hell You Are!"

"Kid! Do you know that the Communist Party is atheist and against belief in God? In China, what God is there for you to believe in? Where is this God of yours?" "Do not assume that because you are young, we will be lenient with you! If you keep believing in God, you will end up dead!" With electric rods in hands, the Chinese Communist police rush this youngster who is covered with bruises.

Almighty God is My Shepherd