Thursday, August 23, 2018

God’s name may change, but His essence will never change | The Church of Almighty God

IV. One Must Bear Witness to the Aspect of Truth Concerning the Relationship Between God’s Three Stages of Work and His Names

3. God’s name may change, but His essence will never change.

Relevant Words of God:
There are those who say that God is immutable. That is correct, but it refers to the immutability of God’s disposition and His substance.

Monday, August 20, 2018

The Saintly Decency Believers of God Should Possess

Chapter 7 Several Other Aspects of the Truths That Are the Minimum That Should Be Understood by New Believers
    4. The Saintly Decency Believers of God Should Possess.
    Relevant Words of God:
    Before he was corrupted by Satan, man naturally followed God and obeyed His words. He was naturally of sound sense and conscience, and of normal humanity. After being corrupted by Satan, his original sense, conscience, and humanity grew dull and were impaired by Satan.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Christian Song "The Sorrow of Corrupt Mankind" God's Revelation of Corrupt Mankind in the Last Days

Christian Song "The Sorrow of Corrupt Mankind" God's Revelation of Corrupt Mankind in the Last Days

Walking through the ages with God, who's known that God rules all things, the fate of all living beings, orchestrating, guiding everything? This has eluded human minds not because God's ways are vague or His plan hasn't been realized.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Why is it only through experiencing and obeying the work of God incarnate that one can know God? | The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven

Why is it only through experiencing and obeying the work of God incarnate that one can know God? | The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven

    Bible Verses for Reference:
    “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelled among us, (and we beheld his glory, the gloryf as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth” (Jhn 1:14).
    “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me. If you had known me, you should have known my Father also: and from now on you know him, and have seen him” (Jhn 14:6-7).

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Why is it said that God’s two incarnations complete the significance of the incarnation? | The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven

 Why is it said that God’s two incarnations complete the significance of the incarnation? | The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven
    Bible Verses for Reference:
    “So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and to them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin to salvation” (Heb 9:28).
    “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (Jhn 1:1).

Monday, August 6, 2018

Smiley face

The Hymn of God's Word | God Is in Heaven and Also on Earth | The Church of Almighty God

  •     God is practical in men's heart, 
  • when He is on earth. 
  • In heaven, 
  • God is the Ruler of all creatures. 
  • Once God traveled over 
  • mountains and waters, 
  • softly He has ever 
  • strolled among the human race. 
  • Saturday, August 4, 2018

    What Is Faith in God | God's Word "Only He Who Experiences the Work of God Truly Believes in God"

    What Is Faith in God | God's Word "Only He Who Experiences the Work of God Truly Believes in God"

    Almighty God says, "When Jesus came into the world of man, He brought the Age of Grace and ended the Age of Law. During the last days, God once more became flesh, and when He became flesh this time, He ended the Age of Grace and brought the Age of Kingdom.

    Thursday, August 2, 2018

    The Hymn of God's Word | How to Recover the Lost Salvation | The Church of Almighty God

        You asked how long I'd follow You; I said I'd give my youth and accompany You. A murmur came from the depths of my heart, shook the earth and set the mountains swaying. I swore my oaths with tear-stained cheeks, but did not know my own hypocrisy.

    Tuesday, July 31, 2018

    Four Consecutive Blood Moons | The Church of Almighty God

    Four Consecutive Blood Moons | The Church of Almighty God
        The appearance of these four consecutive blood moons is a sign that the Lord’s great and terrible day will soon arrive.

    Almighty God is My Shepherd